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The member schools in the New England Consortium are extremely grateful for the support and cooperation clinical educators have given to our physical therapy students over the years. They have provided vital training to students so that they may perform safely and effectively in the clinical environment. In appreciation of these efforts, we have instituted two annual awards for clinical educators.

Educational Leadership Conference (ELC) Scholarship

Each year, in recognition and support of clinical instructors and site coordinators of clinical education striving for excellence in clinical education, the New England Consortium of Clinical Educators offers up to three scholarships for attendance at the APTA’s Education Leadership Conference (ELC). ELC provides clinical educators with an opportunity to learn about national efforts in clinical education, attend continuing education workshops related to clinical education, and to network with other clinical educators from around the country.

Past Awardees


  • Rachel Boutin, Northern Light Health
  • Madison Hanson Edokobi, Bay State Physical Therapy
  • Tracy Benedict, The Edge Physical Therapy

Who should apply? CI’s and SCCE’s in New England are eligible to apply for this scholarship.

Questions? Contact

Apply for the ELC Scholarship

    Clinical position/responsibilities (check all that apply):*

    APTA Member:*
    Have you attended the Education Leadership Conference Before?*
    Have you received the New England Consortium’s Education Leadership Scholarship in the past?*

    * Indicates required field